Criminal Defense Attorney Athens GA
According to NJ defense law firm, crime comes in the forms of property, traffic violations or drinking-related incidents. Attorney Kip Shepherd is a criminal defense attorney Athens GA that can handle your criminal law case today. At the law office of Attorney Kip Shepherd, we work with you directly to ensure that you have a strong and inclusive defense.
If you have been arrested for a crime (check robbery charges explanation here), its important to get an experienced criminal lawyer involved as quickly as possible – especially if you feel you have been wrongly accused. Kip Shepherd has a location in Athens, but can also come to you if need be. There are varying types of criminal offenses in Athens, and in our 20+ years of experience, we have experience with it all. From a DUI to representation for a traffic offense, he can assist. You can rest assured when you choose this las vegas traffic ticket attorney to represent you in your case, that you are getting an experienced criminal defense attorney.